Merchant Licenses

Instructions to apply for a County Merchant’s License 

  1. If business owner(s) or potential business owner(s) are  required or subject to requirement to collect and pay sales  tax to the Missouri Department of Revenue as part of their  business operations then you must purchase a County  Merchant’s License. Further, when you submit your  application for a County Merchant License to the Collector  you MUST provide the County with a Certificate of No Tax  Due provided by the Missouri Department of Revenue  even if you are a new business owner.
  2. If business owner(s) or potential business owner(s) are not  subject to the requirements as set forth by the Missouri  Department of Revenue to collect and pay sales tax as part  of their business operation but are either required by  another entity or just want a business license from the  County for whatever personal reasons, then the business  owner(s) or potential business owner(s) must on their own  letterhead furnish in writing to the Crawford County  Collector they intention to still request a business license  or to state why they feel they are not required to purchase  a business license from the County.
  3. There are several new businesses in Crawford County  operating an Air B&B and the Missouri Department of  Revenue has notified the County Collector’s Office if the  business operations include renting space by the day or by  the week the Air B&B is subject to collecting and paying  sale tax to the Missouri Department of Revenue which will  also secure the purchase of a County Merchant’s License.  If the business is renting space by the month or longer  then the business will follow the same requirements as  rental companies/owners and will not be subject to collect  or pay sales tax to the Missouri Department of Revenue  and therefore not required to purchase a County  Merchant’s License.   
  1. If your business operations meet any of the requirements  as stated and you need to purchase a County Merchant  License then you may print and fill out our Merchant’s License Application, provide a copy of Certificate of No Tax  Due from the Missouri Department of Revenue if  applicable, and send a check or certified funds in the  amount of $25.00 to Crawford County Collector P.O. Box  250 Steelville, MO 65565 
    You may download the Application for Merchant’s License by clicking HERE
  1. Crawford County does not mandate a Peddler’s license,  but anyone wanting to sell goods or wares of any kind to  the public to a city located within Crawford County should  check with the City Hall of that particular city for  information on their requirements regarding a purchase of  Peddler’s license in order to conduct their business.